Tu siguiente voluntariado en la

Amazonía Boliviana

Súmate a nuestra comunidad y mantente enterado de todo lo que vamos contruyendo para ti y el medio ambiente

Casa Kaya: Cobijamos a la naturaleza

Na Amazônia Boliviana, recebemos voluntários dedicados a cuidar do meio ambiente e preservar a beleza natural. Junte-se a nós nessa missão de amor e respeito pela natureza.



Voluntários felizes

Natureza protegida

Nuestros Servicios y Acciones

Oferecemos experiências únicas para voluntários que amam a natureza e desejam cuidar do meio ambiente.

A wooden signboard in a natural setting contains information about biodiversity conservation. The sign features text in both Portuguese and English, accompanied by images of various reptiles and other animals. The background shows lush green foliage, indicating a forest or a nature reserve environment.
A wooden signboard in a natural setting contains information about biodiversity conservation. The sign features text in both Portuguese and English, accompanied by images of various reptiles and other animals. The background shows lush green foliage, indicating a forest or a nature reserve environment.
Tall trees with dense green foliage create a natural canopy above. Sunlight filters through the leaves, illuminating the scene with patches of light. A sign is visible, featuring a logo and the text 'Ministry of Environment and Forestry'.
Tall trees with dense green foliage create a natural canopy above. Sunlight filters through the leaves, illuminating the scene with patches of light. A sign is visible, featuring a logo and the text 'Ministry of Environment and Forestry'.
Voluntariado Ativo

Participe de atividades que promovem a conservação da Amazônia e o bem-estar da comunidade local.

Educação Ambiental

Desenvolvemos programas educativos para sensibilizar sobre a importância da preservação da natureza e do ecossistema.

A group of people, dressed in casual clothing, are gathered in a lush, green forest clearing. The ground is damp and muddy, with scattered puddles and fallen branches. Large trees with dense foliage surround the area, creating a shaded environment. The people appear to be engaging in an outdoor activity, possibly related to conservation or education.
A group of people, dressed in casual clothing, are gathered in a lush, green forest clearing. The ground is damp and muddy, with scattered puddles and fallen branches. Large trees with dense foliage surround the area, creating a shaded environment. The people appear to be engaging in an outdoor activity, possibly related to conservation or education.


Explore a beleza da Amazônia e nosso trabalho voluntário.

A person is sitting outdoors on a stone platform, wearing a dark coat and jeans. They are holding a sign that reads, 'Be a part of the solution not the pollution.' The image is set in a natural environment with blurred trees in the background, suggesting a park or open space.
A person is sitting outdoors on a stone platform, wearing a dark coat and jeans. They are holding a sign that reads, 'Be a part of the solution not the pollution.' The image is set in a natural environment with blurred trees in the background, suggesting a park or open space.


People gathered in a public space holding a protest sign with a message about environmental concerns. Trees and buildings are visible in the background, indicating an outdoor setting. The focus is on a sign with bold black letters and colorful green and blue accents.
People gathered in a public space holding a protest sign with a message about environmental concerns. Trees and buildings are visible in the background, indicating an outdoor setting. The focus is on a sign with bold black letters and colorful green and blue accents.

Entre em contato conosco para saber mais sobre nosso trabalho na Amazônia e como você pode ajudar.